
Find out about the recruitment rules, check the current offers and working conditions.

Current offers

If you are interested in working for Amex and there is no vacancy that interests you, email us at - we might find something.
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Export customer service specialist
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Specjalista ds. obsługi klienta eksportowego


Specjalista ds. obsługi klienta eksportowego

Working conditions

Remember that the following conditions may differ significantly depending on the organisational unit and position, e.g. working in a warehouse versus working in the field with a client.

How do we work?

Amex is located at 2 Sikorki Street in Krakow. This is where our offices, warehouses and production buildings are located. Our teams usually consist of several people, each of whom is assigned a leader who acts as a mentor for the team. The company is open from Monday to Friday on a single shift.


Private healthcare.
Co-financing of courses, English lessons and lunches.
Flexible working hours.
Ample parking and a bicycle room.
Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off work.
Own large and spacious office building with private parking.
Discreet rooms for project work in teams.
Large meeting room, club room and bike room.

Recruitment process

The following is the usual recruitment process, but in some cases it may be slightly different.



Current vacancies can be found on and on this website. The usual collection period of CV is 1 month, but before the end of this period we contact the candidates. When we have found someone suitable, we close the recruitment so it is not worth waiting :)



From all the applications we will select the people who we think best meet the requirements stated in the advertisement and these people will be contacted. Nevertheless, we try to thank all those who participated in the recruitment process.



The first interview will take place by telephone and will be conducted by a representative of HR or the department for which we are recruiting.



In the second phase, we meet at the company's headquarters or online on teams. Here you will meet the leader of the team you are applying for. You may be given a simple task to work on before the meeting. Usually, after this meeting, we will make an offer.



In some recruitment projects (for professional or managerial positions), we meet one more time in the final phase - at the company's head office - before submitting a proposal for cooperation. You will then meet with a senior executive and/or a representative of the Board of Directors.
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Amex Stationery Sp. z o.o.